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Avalanche course

This avalanche course is aimed towards the guiding industry in Iceland but is suitable for everyone. It is a three full-day course and will be entirely taught in English. It consists of both indoors theoretical lectures and discussion sessions as well as long days outdoors with practical exercises. This course is a good preparation before the advanced course needed to complete the AIMG Fjalla 2 / Mountain 2 certification. The minimum participants needed to run is 4 and maximum size of the group is 12 with no more than 6 participants per instructor.


The main contents of the course are:

  • Basic avalanche theory and route selection

  • Avalanche awareness and risk assessment

  • Weather and avalanche forecasts

  • Search methods and partner rescue

  • Clue search and basic team rescue

  • Basic first aid in avalanches (CPR and injuries)

Participants are expected to have completed basic first aid training (e.g. pre course to WFR). No other requirements are for the course but all participants must have the following items:

  • Avalache beacon

  • Avalanche shovel

  • Avalanche probe

  • Warm clothing and shoes

  • Backpack for the day for clothes, food, water and equipment

Nunatak Adventures will not be able to lend nor rent out this equipment. Other gear and equipment needed for the group exercised is provided. Specialised equipment can often be rented from outdoor equipment stores.

Next course is:

  • TBA February/March 2024


Price is 73.900 kr per person.

Notify your interest via email to secure a spot.

All registrations will be confirmed with an email from the instructor.

  • Why Nunatak adventures?


Our instructors are certified avalanche instructors for the basic and intermediate avalanche search and rescue courses from the Icelandic Search and Rescue Association (ICE-SAR). They have completed extensive training within the subject as well as formal (university) education. They also have extensive outdoor experience, education from AIMG and worked in Iceland and Greenland guiding mountains and glaciers.

Contact us:

Nunatak Adventures

: 690118-1140

Greenlandic phone: +299 28 15 90

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